
Apparently I can only post from Jonathan's laptop as of late. What the heck is that about? Anyway, here are some pictures from New Year's in NYC. We could see the ball drop from our room. Very cool!

We had a wonderful time but I've never been in the city when there were that many people. Too many.
It's been really good to get back home and get in the swing of things again. The first day of my preceptorship is tomorrow at University ED. I'm very excited and very nervous all at the same time. Wish me luck!
As for what's going on at home...Jonathan wants a Wii. Ugh, Nintendo. The thing is...he really does deserve to get it if that's what he wants. I just don't get game systems. They seem like such a waste of time. Plus, we already have 2 X-Boxes (why two? that's another story for another day). I just have to block it out and smile and say, "Yeah, you should get one." Block. It. Out. Besides, he never says anything about my scrapbooking stash:)
Hope you're having a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun! I bet you had a blast! I agree with you on the gaming systems. Their just so....I don't know! But it's hard to say no when they deserve it and really want it, especially when they're nice about what you want to buy. That's what Jacob always does to me and then I secretly don't want him to buy his expensive hobby stuff. I'm a brat haha. :)

Ashley Turnbull said...

Funny, Adam says the same thing - he has whatever other game boxes, but yet, this WI thing is just "so cool..." He is trying to get me to buy off by saying that I could play, too - um, okay. Play what? Apparently, you can put on this glove thing and play like tennis and golf and such. Interesting. We'll see.

Scott said...

Good luck on getting that Wii... they are pretty crazy hard to come by I hear.


amberdusk said...

Hey there- I saw you on a friend's blog and I thought it was cool that "foster care" was one of your interests. My mom was a foster parent my whole life. Very cool!

Oh and a million little peices was a good one hu :)