
Vulcan Run

I had my first race this past Saturday. It was a little challenging to run first thing in the morning and with so many people but it was fun. They handed us Red Bulls after we crossed the finish line. As if we weren't hyped up enough as it is. Then on to the food/music/beer area. Yup, beer. 9:30am. Why not.

I can't tell you how great I feel after the long runs every week. Not at first, of course. The first several miles are awful usually. But then I get to that point where I hit my stride and all the world is right. I get so focused and excited about things I want to do. It's really good for the soul.

After this particular long run I get really intent on going to Oak Mountain. It's been way too long since I've been out in the woods. It was good stuff.

I also rear-ended Jonathan (and hard) later the same day but why get into that? Let's not put a negative light on such a wonderful weekend:)

Happy Monday!


Greta Adams said...

beer at 9:30...why not...now that is my kinda run.....bwhahahaha

Anonymous said...

So cool! Congratulations! Jacob's training for a marathon! Actually, he really wants to do a triathalon or better yet (as he says) an iron man. I married a crazy man! :)

Scott said...

Congrats on the race, nothing like giving people a massive diuretic after a race eh?


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you blogged!!! Adding you to my list!

Anonymous said...

9:30, if you've been up and running for an hour
Is like, nearly 3:00

Dan said...

Yeah, I'm usually having my last beer of the night at 9:30am.

Just kidding!

Congratulations on your race. I don't run myself -- I think the last time I ran, it was because some guy was chasing me with a knife. ;)