
SNL skit

The 'more cowbell!' Saturday Night Live skit has been the long reigning champion of funniest SNL skit ever.
For those of you who have never seen it.
But ladies and gentlemen it has stiff competition: This skit--The Chronic(what)cles of Narnia is hilarious. JD and I got such a kick out of it a couple of weeks ago when it aired and I'm telling you I think I could watch it all day and be just as amused as the first time I saw it. Dills and Dills give it two thumbs way up.


Jocelyn said...

I love that! Way too funny.
Reminds me of my days on the streets way back when. JUST kidding.

Scott said...

Haha... i don't think that you can beat the "more cowbell" skit. I have it on my Ipod and listen to it fairly regularly. Genius. I will find the other one though, you obviously have great taste.

As for my pictures, I used a Canon A520, just a little 4MP guy that is fully adjustable, also use a Canon Rebel TI, not digital but I get my film put onto CD's.

Got to get the Digi Rebel.


Scott said...

Haha... i just checked it out, too funny. "I'm all about the Hamiltons" haha. Very good.
