
Conversations with Carson

On the phone last night:
Carson: Can I talk to Jonathan?
Me: Jonathan's not here, Carson, he's in Las Vegas. Do you know where that is?
Carson: uh-uh
Me: It's very far away. Almost to California.
Carson: (sounding very excited) Is it close to Mexico?!
Me: Well, not really.
Carson: (sounding even more excited) Is it near Iraq?
Me: No, not that far (sorry to disappoint you, buddy).

Love this kid. In October I went to his school to eat lunch with him and afterward there was a policeman that came to talk to the class about drugs. He (police) started unloading all this drug paraphernalia onto the table (honestly the whole lecture was a bit beyond a first grade mentality but no one asked my opinion) and he pulls out this big HUMONGO blue bong and Carson (in awe) says, "Ooh...he's got a lightsaber!" It was all I could do to not laugh out loud. I would give anything to have a live recording of that little jewel of a statement to deliver to him when he's about 18.

In unrelated news I heard a really funny joke today.
What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual
What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual
What do you call someone who speaks one language?

Alright guys the answer is very obvious. I'll send a RAK to the first person that answers correctly.


Scott said...

Damn she beat me to it. I was going to say American too.

Glad that your Grandma is a repository of celeb knowledge. She can keep you up to date.


Sarah said...

That is Hilarious. And sad, cause it's so true.

Christielli said...

lol Drug lectures to grade ones? Oh my. I think that is a bit much. Love the light sabre joke.

I'm uniligual when it comes to both things but I am totally biligual in the area of cereal boxes.