
To whom it may concern:

Dear Mr. Blogger,
Are you mad at me? Am I being punished for something I did wrong? Why did you take away my ability to upload photos so easily? Gone is the tool bar that allowed me, with just a click of a button, to check my spelling, make bold the words I wanted to emphasize, italicize the words I wanted to stress, hyperlink a page I wanted to share. Now my blog is just a faceless, monotonous mess. I apologize for taking these things for granted. Please give them back.
sad blog person


Raina* said...

I have no clue why you can't post pictures....

maybe you did make Mr Blogger mad.

Unknown said...

Blogger is driving me a bit bonkers. If I use explorer on my Mac then I don't have a toolbar but if I use Firefox I have everything. I hope you find a way to get your toolbar back :D