
Pippi loves Storm Trooper


I have defeated bloggers attempt to ruin my photo fun. Take that biznatch!
Halloween is the greatest. One of our friends is serious business about star wars. He won some competition on Access Hollywood a few months ago and got to go to the San Fran premiere of the latest episode and he met George Lucas. Life for him is probably complete. I've never seen a star wars movie. Probably should. It humored me to talk to him at the party this weekend about whether I should start at the beginning or the end."It's a tough question," he said and then proceeds to give me pros and cons and so on and so forth of both. He's so serious about it. It's really funny the things people really get into. Pick anything and someone somewhere can tell you, with great conviction, all there is to know.
Anyway, Jason aka Storm Trooper shed his costume (it's a $700+ costume by the way) little by little and inebriated Dorothy (see below) couldn't help but put the mask/helmet on when no one was looking. My pippi longstocking braids prevented me from doing the same so I convinced JD to take his turn as storm trooper.
That was our Friday night.


Raina* said...

ba haha, I love the Dorothy pic!

jessica said...

Sorry Chuck. I don't know Gilly, Mulligan's or the pup.