
I am a spaz

It's Friday night pity party and everyone is invited.
So this is what is going on this weekend: (1) Our group of friends are on two major outings. The wives have taken a trip to the beach and the husbands are at a lake house in TN; (2) a good friend is having a bachelorette party that I am supposedly helping host. Where am I? At home. And why? Because finals are next week and because I have to work tomorrow. No beach for me and no bachelorette party. However, if you want to know anything, and I mean ANYTHING about red blood cell disorders or vascular disease just let me know and I can fill you in.
And this is why I am a spaz:
The semester is almost over...it is the final stretch. In 1 1/2 weeks, our house will be clean, we will be taking a trip to New Orleans and Gulf Shores and I will be awaiting acceptance into yet another level of learning. It is within reach, yet I decided two days ago that I would take a study break and get a little bit of a head start on the cleaning (to free up more of my two week break when it gets here). I chose to thoroughly clean the kitchen floor. I have NEVER been so excited about a clean area in my life. Fast forward to the present:
It's 8pm and having studied since I got out of class this afternoon, cabin fever has ensued. Jonathan calls from the road to say hello and Jill calls one last time to "make sure that I'm ABSOLUTELY sure that I can't come to the party tomorrow night" and my head is about to explode from all the information this pathophysiology book contains so I get out. I go and get some Sierra Nevada. My new favorite. Who cares that it is a bit more expensive? Why not.
I get home and tell Felix "One more hour of studying and then I'll...." And just as I'm finishing my sentence to my sweet furry buddy the bottom of the six back comes open and six beers go crashing to the ground. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! So glass and beer EVERYWHERE on my clean kitchen floor. The sad thing is, I was strangly amused by the whole situation. I need to get out more often:) So now the floor is nastier than before. I have to put on flip-flops before going in and even then it's like the sound of velcro with them peeling off with every step. OnemoreweekOnemoreweekOnemoreweek.
And so tonight I say cheers....
Cheers to higher learning and the stress it causes-- Can't wait to finally be satisfied with my education.
Cheers to the girls at the beach and those at the bachelorette party and the guys at the cabin without whom I would not have been encouraged to buy beer and subsequently create a catastrophe within my own, boring home.
Cheers to the moms currently in labor at UAB...congratualtions on the baby, but know that I do not look forward to hanging out with you for 12 hours tomorrow. Be easy.
And finally, cheer to Felix who just brought a frog in from the kitty door. Good grief...does it get better than this?


Johnny Menace said...

what kind of beer are we talking about?

jessica said...

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale:)

crallspace said...

mMMM.... I've all but forgotten of all the microbrews I used to drink. I live in Oregon, so there are an overwhelming amt. of new beers to try.

I love their HARVEST Ale. Good shit indeed.