
You Say it's your Birthday

25. That's me...for the first time today. I didn't have the hard time with it that Jonathan did, or some of my friends. Honestly there is so much going on that it barely even phased me that it was coming up. We went to On Tap this weekend to celebrate. We had some wings and some beer and played trivia and the whole night was alot of fun to me. Just very relaxing. It was really the first time that Jonathan and I have been out, just the two of us kicking back and drinking some brews, in quite a long time. Hopefully this year will bring a slower pace than the last. In the past year I: became a first time home owner, had a major career change (that involved quitting a job, starting a new job for lesser pay, and going back to school for a second degree), visited Los Angeles and San Diego for the first time, went to my first Braves game, celebrated a one year wedding anniversary, became a kitty momma, joined a local church, developed an addiction to scrapbooking, became Aunt Jessica to one darling little girl named Ella Kate, traded an SUV for a sedan, and most of all became (sometimes painfully) aware of exactly what it is to be an adult.
So fun stuff: I am now the proud owner of the new Ben Folds album AND the Garden State soundtrack (it has been so long since I have bought a CD:); a paper shredder-yes, this is lame but I wanted one; a Cahaba Cycles T-shirt (well, 3 really b/c J tends to go overboard and couldn't decide on just one); a gift card to a spa from my sweet sister (who turns 29 today-my parents are great at timing, huh?); and a crop station.
And to add to the enjoyment of the day, the hospital put me on call. So, what was supposed to be a day of work ended up being just me hanging out, relaxing....being 25.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day :)