
I Love This Man

He is more patient with me than I will ever understand or deserve.

When I lived up north in the Americorps house we had this "I am third" philosophy. God first. Others second. Myself third.
Life was just easier when I grasped that concept. I found it liberating. When you place yourself last it is hard to take offense to anything that is said or done b/c it is no long "all about me". That is important for a thin-skinned girl like me.
Moving back has changed things a bit. The demands of school and work and being a wife have made me different. I have been high on drama and low on fun. philanthropy, etc.
He, however, has been wonderful. Always laid back. Always looking ahead. Always third.
He is the glue. I watch him and remember, strive really, to be the person that I originally set out to be. He is genuine and kind and real. He has so much faith and trust in God. He inspires me to seek out.
I pulled off the July page of our calendar tonight. That means big things for us. It means that in six days the chaos that has been our life for the last year will dissipate. This month I will leave my job. This month UAB will say yes or no, and either way it's gonna be alright. It really is.
I look forward to reconnecting...with him and Him and myself.
I look so forward to this month. August for me equals relief, no matter the outcome.


crallspace said...

Yes..yes.. sweet guy... God...yes.

Anyway, visit my blog for my response on Pink Flamingos. You ever seen Polyester? THAT is a great movie with Divine.

Raina* said...

Wow, good thing you have such a nice guy..... I just read your 'Spaz' entry and I almost cried for you..... Of course by now your floor is probably clean right? And finals over? But still, what a sucky way to start off a Friday night.