
Mmmm...there's just something about going home (my parent's, I mean). Makes me feel safe. Not that I feel unsafe otherwise. Maybe warm and fuzzy is the more accurate feeling. I went up on Thursday to help them pack. They are moving to a different house in the same small town. A house my mom adores and wants to grow old in. I'm so excited for her but also sad that the house they've lived in since I was in high school will no longer be "home". I suppose it shouldn't matter. It isn't as if I live there anymore. But I guess it's enough that once upon a time I did. Lots of memories there. Happy times:)
So in the process of packing my mom boxed up many items that my sister and I had stored there while we were in college. Stuff I had forgotten about. There are lots of funny old pictures and CDs. There are good CDs too. Duran Duran and Guns-N-Roses and a little bit of Bon Jovi. Seriously, I like.

Look at the description space between these photos and tell me I wasn't a scrapbooker just waiting to happen:)

And I was even unknowingly collecting cool foam letters for future creations. Who knew?

Have a safe and fun Saturday night!


Anonymous said...

I would be so bummed if my parents moved. Part of me wants them to because they deserve a nicer, newere house but the other part of me will be so upset if they move because I lived there since I was born! It's fun to go back and find old stuff there though!

Scott said...

Glad that you are happy for your Mom. It is kind of strange when your parents move though isn't it?

Alison said...

I have old albums like that with the white part all done up
It's a sign, eh?

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, i have some of those foam letters too!!
by the way, i see you looking sassy in those old college pics!! :) :)