
We're going to Boston this Wednesday. Gonna go tour Harvard. I was reading my entry from August 18th of last year. Crazy how things change over the course of a year, isn't it? We've gone back and forth over the issue of Jonathan's masters program and have finally just let it lie for the past six months. One day we will be talking about a house we would love to buy in Riverchase (which is local for those of you not from Alabama) and then the next thing you know we'll be talking about what hospitals have the best benefits in Boston.
As is evident from the August 18th post, I was ecstatic about the idea of leaving Alabama again but alot has changed. We've both made some really strong friendships over the last year and we've gotten really involved in our church. That's a biggy. Our church family.
We're really in a neutral zone about the whole situation and that is what is so bizarre to me. Maybe our week up there will sway us one way or another. Maybe we'll come back with the same mindset. Either way it's good. I'm just so proud of him for reaching high.


Anonymous said...

Best wishes with your decision. I know how hard it is to be away from home, yet how hard it can be being there too (I'm from a REAL small town in Kentucky). By the same token, I really love that our families are there if we need them. You can always go back home...but you don't always get a second chance to pursue your dreams. God will lead you to the right decision :) and if that decision is Boston...a good church where you can thrive. Hugs, and thanks for visiting my blog :)

Kalie said...

Oh gosh, I feel for you. But how exciting to have decisions to make. How great that both a great things! I agree with Jill. You do what is right, and God will take care of the rest. Good luck with that!

PS. I'm curious to see how the carpet turned out :D

Scott said...

Sounds like some pretty big decisions ahead, very cool that you are heading out to check things out in Boston. I am sure that you will do great wherever you end up.
