
Thoughts and Prayers

Prayers for those on the Gulf Coast in Louisiana and Mississippi and here. The news is devastating. Watching footage of people being axed out of their attics and knowing many more have been found dead, trapped in there own home, makes me physically ill.

Prayers and hope and peace to all involved.


This is How is Goes

Whales scare me in a big way. I know it isn't a very rational fear seeing as odds are slim of having a mishap with a one but, hey, look what happened to Jonah:) Whales, snakes and going blind. Those are the big three for me.

I love the color orange. Pink kind of annoys me.

I hate shopping for clothes. In most instances it feels like a big waste of my time. On the other hand, it is VERY often that I see girls with cute clothes on and I wish that I would take more time to find stuff for myself. The answer: a personal shopper. My mom tried to assume this role when I was in high school and college but for the most part it didn't work out so well. Gotta love her for trying though.

I have a big ole crush on John Cusack.

I am not a fan of animation. I'm aware that this may make me seem like not such a fun person but I will readily admit that it is true. Even as a kid my favorite movies were not animated (Annie, Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, Willy Wonka).

My favorite musicians are called Ben.

I love the smell of Dove Deep Moisture body wash. If you have never smelled it, actively seek it out at your local Wal-Mart. It's good stuff.

I waste too much time on the computer.

Two things I hear ALOT:
(1) You look familiar or you remind me of someone I know or other various forms of "you have a familiar face." Sometimes this sends my wheels spinning. Cue the twilight zone music.
(2) You're how old? You look much younger than that. I know one day I will appreciate this but as for now is makes me feel like people take me less seriously b/c I look 16.

French fries and ketchup (especially ketchup) makes me want to vomit. Fast food in general disgusts me.

I love amber beer.
I hate being cold.

Did I mention that I waste time on the computer?


Oh Happy Day!

I got in! I am proud to say I have been admitted into the #17 nursing school in the nation:) I know, I know, seventeen may not sound like much right? But considering there are 15 (four-year BSN) nursing programs in Alabama alone, being 17 in the whole U.S. of A isn't too shabby. Getting in was no joke. If you know anyone who is a nurse RESPECT THEM NOW. Until I began pursuing this endeavor I had no idea how rigorous nursing education was.
We started today and had a four hour orientation to the program followed by a four hour orientation to one of the classes (we have three). By the way, the eight hour day plus having the same classes with all the same people...hmm high school anyone? But I digress. So anyway, the NUR 350 orientation: we were told for this class alone we are required to have seven (SEVEN!) books. Seriously, I have only gotten two so far and they are massive (and not cheap). The adventure begins.
In related news, Jonathan told me the other day that he is going to apply to the MDiv program at Harvard and Emory (to start the semester after I graduate). Harvard. Boston. Us. Us not in Alabama. Please, please, please God, please. Even Atlanta (Emory) would be great but to be in the northeast again sounds like home to me. It hurts to say that on so many levels but it's true. For now anyway. I don't think I realized how much I wanted to be back up there until he let me in on this idea. It was like a cloud was lifted and the sun was shining so bright again. Just to know that if only for a couple of years (b/c maybe that's all I really need), we can get out of this bubble.
If it's such a big deal why don't we just move anyway you may ask. As I said in the last post generation after generation of my family was born and raised here. People don't leave and if you do folks tend to not understand. Although I told my family I only moved back from New York so they could get to know the man I was going to marry (see? family first) I think that after the two years we have been here they think I have changed my mind. Actually, I don't think they were too far from the truth but it was more like settling than changing my mind. So maybe you can understand (or maybe not) why in order to leave we have to have an explanation as large as an ivy-league education. Sad but true.
How awesome is my hubby?! I hope we always dream big. We may not always get exactly what we are after but we will certainly live a life extraordinary.

Ecclesiastes 3:11-14


Home again

Our quick trip to New Orleans was good...fast, but good.

We stayed right in the heart of it and got to do all the fun tourist stuff. Jonathan had his first beignet at Cafe Du Monde. So good! Of course we also had to sample the Cajun beverages:) We went to Crescent City Brewhouse and discussed the neon-lit, blown glass octopus hanging from the ceiling while we sipped our choice of brew (red stallion for me, Weiss for him). Then we stopped at Bubba Gump only because they had Abita Beer. This is entirely necessary when in Louisiana, in case you didn't know (well, in my opinion anyway). Move over Sierra Nevada...Abita Amber is my new fast fave.

We also passed through the swampland:

I am aware the above photo may be frightening. Can't you just hear the dueling banjos playing in the distance? Moving on.
We also passed by a few graveyards. Just in case you didn't know, New Orleans has a water table just beneath the surface of the soil (it is below the level of the sea) so most folks are buried above ground in tombs or mausoleums.

We picked up a few pictures from local artists. Very excited about that!
So in a nutshell, that was our trip. We also stayed the night in Gulf Shores and Mobile while we were making our way back to B-ham but nothing new there.

It's nice to take a break...to not be at work...to remember that the south isn't that bad...to find my pride in the south again even if it is (ironically) found in a smelly ole city like New Orleans.
We talk the same, that slow southern drawl that says who belongs and who does not--and we know all members of our extended family and chances are if we chat long enough, we will probably find a link:) We say yes ma'am and sir and ya'll and fixin' to. We were raised in church but not the catholic kind. We were born and raised here, as were our parents and their parents and chances are, our children will follow the same path. We are steep in heritage and tradition. And so on and so forth.
I have had a love/hate relationship with the deep south for as long as I can remember. It is an enigma really. I can take the above list and see it as both appealing and appalling. I'll find middle ground one day but for now it is vital that every once in awhile I find something to love about this place.
The end.