
These shoes are a thorn in my side. They were handed to me the other day by my oldest and dearest friend. I was told that THESE are the shoes I will be wearing in her wedding on December 9th. I'm pretty sure I'm in favor of the plan we had previously talked about. The one where she was going to tell us bridesmaids the color of shoe and we would pick out our own. That of course was before she found shoes she loved at a really great price and bought them for us. The problem...these are currently sitting in my closet as the sole pair of high heels in my entire closet. They very well may be one of the only pairs of heels I've ever owned. Call me plain, but I'm just a flip flop kind of person. ALL THE TIME. I have no time or desire to wear pretty, sexy shoes:)
So anyway, of course I practicing already. Three months in advance, mind you. And they HURT. That makes me angry. REALLY angry.

Perhaps this will be a opportunity for growth...heehee.


Scott said...

Best of luck with that. THey always look so painful. Hope that you make it through.


Jocelyn said...

i know shoes, and trust me
those ain't flip flops...
they look painful, but once you train your feet to be numb, you'll be fine!

elizabeth said...

lemme give ya a piece of advice from someone who practically considers the heel on taht shoe to be a flip flop {wink wink} wear em for a full day. they are going to kill ya, but you will stretch out the areas that need to be stretched out and then by the time the wedding gets here, they will be comfy.

i've got shoes that the first few times that i have worn them thought "i don't care how hot these shoes are, they need to go in the garbage" but over time, they become comfy.

good luck!