
Inspiration via Alison.
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
make a list of what you did and will do
thoughts you had
literal or not
funny or serious
a written snippet of your life

put it on your blog
link me to it
then make a sb page out of it eventually
As seen by moi:

Renting the second season of LOST was my top priority.
I forgot to get a birthday card while I was at Wal-Mart.
I ran 3 1/2 miles.
I put off doing a major assignment. I'll regret that later...but that's later.

It felt a little less like summer and a little more like fall.
I heard Tripping Billies on the radio and wondered why in the world they don't play more old school Dave.
I ran again.

Is recycle day.
I will study. REALLY I will.
I'll go get that card from Wal-Mart.
Training for Mercedes will make my feet blaze a trail through my neighborhood yet another day.


Scott said...

Very cool stuff. Good on ya for getting the running in.

What is up with no old school Dave on??


Ashley Turnbull said...

I ran in the Mercedes 4 yrs ago--super fun! Saw tons of folks I knew, including many G'ville people. Good for you on running! I have slacked off to about 12 miles a week--all a working woman can manage.

ps. who's getting married? a g'ville friend?

Greta Adams said...

love the list!!

Anonymous said...

Love the list...I may have to use this on my blog!! I am still running, and loving it, but I can't imagine running the Mercedes Marathon!! How many miles do you run per day to train for that?? Maybe next year, haha.