
So I've been away awhile for no good reason. We have recently gotten cable and I have been sucked into all the silly reality based series that come on. My Fair Brady has been one of the top on that list. I just can't get over 'Bobby Brady's' choice for his THIRD wife. I'm mean, she's cute enough and all but she's 25 years younger than him for one thing and her crass mouth just kills me. Whatever. It's really sad that I'm even taking the time to think about it...much less post, no?

I got this book:

and this one too:

Had my first design team meeting at Scrap Etc this afternoon. The owner, Monique, just really inspires me and the other girls are so sweet and welcoming. I can't say enough how thrilled I am to work with these girls.I'm so excited about all the huge things going on with this store. The event next year is going to ROCK! Big names coming:)

So anyway, here are a few pages from the week....


Scott said...

Great photos. I like the beach pic.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I saw that first LO in the gallery and absolutely LOVED it! The other ones are just great too!! Makes me want to scrap (if it wasn't so darn hot in our computer room! I can only be in here for like 20 minutes at a time!)

Jocelyn said...

LOVE those layouts! Awesome!
So glad you have a great team to be on. And I have those books too. I need to stop buying books.

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful photos! Glad I found your blog today!