
On school: Hallelujah! The last seven to eight days have been trying to say the least. Today marked the end of the stretch with a test in high acuity which I did pretty alright on. So now, I can breathe a little easier.
***Oh! By the way, I saw my first C-section on Tuesday. Yea, no thanks. I think I would have been better off not knowing.

On CK: Don't they give you a heads up before this happens:

JD and I were just reading before bed the other night (me looking at my July CK that I've been slowly but surely making my way through for the last several weeks) and I
saw my name there. Actually I saw Katie Burnett's name first (she is also on the DT at Scrap Etc.) So as I was sitting there thinking 'good for her' I look down and I was like, "Oh my gosh Jonathan that is my name." He hates me using both my maiden and my last name (which I don't always do) but I joked with him that if I hadn't he probably would have said it wasn't really me. lol-he likes giving me a hard time.

On running: It's really going better than anticipated. Once I gave into it, it was alot easier than the last time I was just starting out. The TNT coach said it would come naturally the second time around, and it seems he knows what he's talking about. The tunes help alot! Thanks to all of you who had suggestions. I've been rocking through my neighborhood. Sometimes 'The Devil went down to Georgia' will get played continuously throughout my entire run because it is what seems to be getting me going these days:)

On summer nights:
LOVE THEM! Love the stars and the sounds of bugs and the heat and the outside smell. Makes me want to live forever.

On music: Amos Lee. I know he's not exactly new news but I uploaded his cd onto my iRiver and I dig it. The sound definitely goes with the summer night feel. Kind of a male version of Norah Jones...but that's just my opinion.

On tv: We are getting cable this weekend. I didn't make this decision. I'm not so sure I have enough responsibility to handle more than the five or so channels we have right now. I mean, with A&E in my life I may not ever make it out of nursing school. It really makes me kind of sweat just thinking about it. Oh crud, and all the real world stuff on MTV. I'm doomed folks.


Scott said...

Finding your name in a magazine, that is pretty cool indeed.

Cable... scary!!


Jocelyn said...

That's awesome man.
Keep running. I occasionally (often) lose motivation....

Greta Adams said...

congrats girl...that is awesome....i had 2 c-sections and i expierenced the other way to a point and i will take a c-section anyday of the week...hehehe