
I watched this movie last night and was suprised by how much I absolutely loved it. Has anyone else seen it? I had never heard much about it and I'm thinking that it's probably a movie you either love or hate. So watch it and tell me what you think.
PS the VA was much better than expected.
PPS Claire Danes will always equal 'My So Called Life'. How cool was Jordan Catalano?! Classic. That series should definitely be brought back.


Raina* said...

I agree 100%. Claire = MSCL
One of the happiest days of my life was finding MSCL on DVD a year or two ago. Why was this show cancelled??? For real?

I want to cry every single time I see a picture of Jared Leto nowadays. How does that happen? He wears make-up now!!

Scott said...

I have seen the movie and really liked it as well. The book is also very well done. Who knew that Steve Martin could write so well???

Hope that your clinicals are going well.


Jocelyn said...

I defintely need to watch that ASAP.

jill said...

I never saw My So Called Life. Isn't that crazy. But that is one of my goals now, to track down those dvds.