

I finally sat down and made myself figure out this banner thing. It was way less difficult that I thought it would be and it was suprisingly fun. Now my blog has character:)
The photo was taken at Creel Chapel where JD and I got married. There is probably no place on this earth more special to me than this one. It sits on top of a hill that is a mile hike from where I went to summer camp as a kid. We used to hike up and sit in the chapel and refuel before heading back down to camp. Who knew I would be married here one day? Seriously the history this place has for me is overwhelming. As an adult I find solace here. I like to go up when I have the time to just sit and look and think. My sanctuary.


Greta Adams said...

how awesome is that...i have to change my banner..i am sick of the current one

Scott said...

That is really great stuff Jess. I think that it is great that you were able to get married at a place with so many fond memories for you.

Very cool stuff.
