

This is the BEST month! If only it would get a little cooler....
Good stuff all around:
* JD is at Birmingham-Southern talking to Harvard's MDiv recruiter. Even if we don't make it to Boston, I am so proud of him for gunning for this lofty goal.
* I am almost half way through the first semester of the nursing program and so far so good. There is much more time required than I care for but it's all worth it on test day.
* Will Farrell is staying in Birmingham and was spotted jogging by a Rick and Bubba listener yesterday. These guys are so funny. They were tracking him down...Listeners were calling in letting them know his location (i.e. He's turning right on University....now he's on 8th Ave). They ended up getting him on the phone. GOTTA love these guys.
* Scrap Etc. had an awesome event the other night. I was one number off from winning a $500 dollar price. SNAP! I hope all you scrappers are fortunate enough to have an awesome lss. If you are ever in AL stop by. You will be amazed!
* We are staying home this weekend (after spending the last three in Auburn). I am looking forward to getting some long overdue work done on the house.
* And last and best of all: I have a fun fun fun UPS package coming my way. Guess what?!

In other news: I asked JD to stop and get some milk on the way home from his basketball game last night. When I went downstairs to get breakfast this morning it was sitting on the counter where he had left it overnight. Yuck! Men:)


Unknown said...

I too LOVE October :) Glad to hear that nursing is going well :) Good luck to JD with Harvard's Recruiter :) Enjoy your day!

crallspace said...

Yes, October rules!

I'll bet Will Farell was like, "What is with these Birmingham people?"

jessica said...

You're probably right, Dan. But come on, jogging down a main street, DOWNTOWN at rush hour in the AM with no cap on or anything. And everyone knows he was in Talladega last weekend filming his new movie so it wasn't like it was completely random. He had it coming to him:)

crallspace said...

I wonder if he DID want people checking him out. If I were in his shoes, I'd do that every once in a while ... but mostly, I would keep private. I am wanting to become more private as it is. I googled my name today and I am too track-downable.

Ugh... but I would like to be well-known.