
Biting the Bullet

About 6 months ago I decided it was time for a new camera. The camera I was using at the time came over on the ark and besides, I was really starting to get into photography (a love spawned by my also relatively new passion for scrapbooking:) so I was due. I had wanted a Digital Rebel for the longest but couldn't even conceive of paying that much for a camera and so with the help of a Wolf camera sales guy I selected a Nikon N65 for 1/3 of the price of the rebel.
One word: Disappointment. Don't get me wrong; the pictures are good, really good even but they do not hold a candle in the wind to the wonders, the photographic genius of the Rebel. It's just a different class of camera...why oh why oh why did I not realize that it was impossible to get that quality with something else. And so I've been fighting the urge but it seems that it always happens that on the very day that I will pick up yet another discouraging package of photos, the ever talented Tara Whitney will post some awesome photos using guess what kind of camera. DANGIT!!!!
So I go to Wolf Camera (not the same location that sold me the Nikon) to have a counseling session about my dilemma and the clerk whips out some home photos shot with her Rebel (go figure) and they made me want to cry. Yes! Yes! That is what I'm aiming for and just like that I lost the battle. I will eat the cost of the Nikon. It's just worth it to me.
No Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT at this house yet, just a decision made. Soon.

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