

Cameron Crowe is genious at the work he does. Really he is. And to be four years younger than MY MOTHER (or just in general) he really has an awesome taste for music. He has this magical way of making the scene fit the tune in such a way that makes you just want to live life, you know? I dig that immensely...Learning to Fly in this current wonder, Tiny Dancer in Almost Famous, and In Your Eyes in Say Anything. Man, you can't go wrong.
Is it bad to find direction in something so Hollywood? Maybe "finding direction" isn't so much what I mean as much as affirmation.
Inspiring to say the least.

*I got that awesome camera. Too bad I can't post pictures:( Darned blogger.
*Go to zacbrownband.com and even buy a cd if you're able. Good stuff!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We're going to see it tonight, I can't wait!