
Tonight I am inspired

No time for this if I am realistic. I suppose I should be reading about the pathologies of the body or about chemical elements but no....something else right now. Something for me. This will be a place for me to vent, brag, hide......be me.
Finished the last of my first tests (of the sememster) tonight whew! and took a look at some of the creativity going up at the bucket and MAN do those women inspire me! I wish I had a day to hide away and create....but I'll settle for the piece by piece that I'm able to do.
Just some about me: 24 (for another month) married with a sweet kitty baby Felix, working on my second bs degree AND working at the hospital(cuss! cuss!). work will be ending soon. Love scrapbooking and being a wife and an endless list of other dorky traditional things:)
And that's me.

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