The highlight of today was finding a home for this little guy:
We've called him Thomas Macaroni for the week we've had him. Thomas because that's what Jonathan likes. Macaroni because that's what I wanted to call him. Housing him and finding him a good home is part of my (and my neighbor's) effort to eliminate the stray cat epidemic that seems to be plaguing our neighborhood. I believe Jonathan was thinking he (Thomas Mac) would ultimately become ours and thus began having mild anxiety attacks when I told him I would be taking the kitten to his new home today. I believe he's gotten past it though.
I've just started reading this:

So far it's different from what I thought. I'm very wary about what the coming chapters hold.
I've also been studying for my state nursing boards. The past tense in that sentence referring only to today:) My test is scheduled for June 20th and my first day of true clinical work at the hospital will be on the 21st. This week's orientation, though boring, really got me pumped up about working. I can't tell you how happy it made me to have the sign sitting in front of me saying: Jessica DXXX, RN. Yes, ma'am. That me:)
you are the coolest!! congrats again on the job! the short drive is the bestest!!
The more cats, the better :)
Hope your test went fabulous! :)
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