I like that. My new book, Bloom, is full of many more incredibly inspiring quotes. So much has been going on around here. I am...(drumroll please)...a nurse. Graduation is May 5th but we've been finished for a week. Parties and celebrations galore. I really will miss my nursing class. I've been so used to seeing the same faces on a daily basis for the past 18-months. Love them:) Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

I got the job I wanted too. I'll be working in the ER at a hospital close to home. It will be super nice to have an income:)
So this past weekend I finally FINALLY ran a 1/2 marathon. It was awesome. Truly great. A HUGE accomplishment for me. I finished four minutes before my projected time which may seem lame but it's the difference in a mental debate between success and failure in the days post race. I'm inspired and ready for another:) Sweet Jonathan went to Nashville with me and looked like paparazzi with my long lens and camera hanging around his neck when I met up with him afterward. He told me my toes looked like I had the black plague and I dare say that's true. Ick!
Last note, this little guy has been visiting us...eating Banjo and Felix's cat food. Yikes!

how did you get that close to that thing to take a picture? I would have freaked!
Very cool... glad that you did so well.
That is hillarious that the racoon as been visiting. They are cute but mean! Be careful.
keep that thing on your side of Helena!!
congrats on the 1/2! glad you are alive! you wanna run the whole in Disney with me?? you know you want to!
congrats on the job! we'll have to get lunch!
go read my blog...you've been tagged! your welcome! :)
Hi, Jessica! Congrats on finally finishing school, and obviously, persistence pays off - way to go on the ER job! And my gosh - a 1/2 marathon. You HAVE been busy. "Good for you" on all 3 counts.
hey! so, adam did the half in nashville as well! i did the "jonathan" and ran around to several of the mile markers to snap pictures. you can see the half update from him on our blog. he did not have quite the experience you did. but, then again, just running any of it at all was a HUGE accomplishment for him. congrats!
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