
Lots of photos from Boston. Its been a few weeks and I'm still trying to get my thoughts around how I feel about the whole thing. Boston was good. Kind of like a mini New York; smaller and cleaner but similar. It's different this time though. It's not like NYC for me or Seattle for JD. When we were in those places it was just us (us singular not together). We didn't have the financial thoughts or family ideas that we have now. Hmmm....when we were in Boston there were moments of....yes, this is right. Several of those moments. But on the drive home from ATL I started thinking how glad I was to get back to Birmingham. And since then, I've really been thinking about how comfortable I am here. Not comfortable in the settling way that I've always despised and kind of feared but comfortable in the sense that, for the first time ever actually, this is exactly where I want to be. There was was a house we were looking at locally during this whole thing. JD had said if they reduced the price then "it would be a sign". I called him yesterday to say that (hey guess what) they had reduced the price. When he got home, I showed him a slideshow of a condo in Brockton (Mass). He laughed and said, "You were talking about a house here on the phone and I get home and you show me a house in Boston." To which I say, "Isn't that where we are?" Yes, it is.
We haven't talked about it much since the trip. I'm sure he would be stunned at my feeling seeing as I was the one who was so incredibly ready to get the heck out of here again. Now that the tables have turned I'm a little hesitant to come clean. It's just that...I don't know...I want it for him. I hope we go because that's what he deserves. And if we do go, I will be so incredibly excited for him and for us because it will be what was meant to be.
This post is really a bunch of ramblings. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around all this. It's gonna be good. No matter what.


Scott said...

Such a monumental decision that the two of you have to make. I am thinking, no i know that you two will make the best decision. Just remember that any move does not have to be permanent. Wherever you end up will be home when you are together.


Kala said...

You guys were in Boston about two weeks after I left, and I have to tell you, that was my first trip to Boston/Cambridge and I truly enjoyed myself - normally, I would have preferred a more country type city but Boston really had a good homey feel to it and the people were wonderful. I liked the fact that so many people were running around Charles river and it seems that people just live in healthy lifestyle - I did not see too many fast food places like McD's and the abundance of great schools in such a small area really impressed me.

You guys can view my pics =)
Boston pics

The two of you will find a place that feels right in the heart =)

Kala said...

Oh I cant believe you guys found Cheers bar - I wish I knew where to go! The subway system was excellent!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics.

mary h.