
It's October folks and that makes me happy happy. More on Boston and the floor later but for now a list of things that are making me smile:

--The pumpkins I'm seeing everywhere:)

--Make-up for a dollar.

--Post secret blog.

--My new Quickutz alpha.

--The 2007 Event! Anyone who scrapbooks REALLY needs to come this year. Seriously. Inspiration and then some.

--Finishing my first long run for training this past Sunday. 6 miles ya'll.

--The weather. Man, I'm loving the weather.

Hope everyone is enjoying these sunny fall days as much as I am. War Eagle!


Anonymous said...

I love ELF- I used to look at their site all the time. And yet I never ordered anything?? I'm a dork!

elizabeth said...

if you love the post secret blog, then the book is a must. i read it in one sitting (not that there are a ton of words or anything) but it was wonderful.

Scott said...

The wather has been amazing hasn't it??

congrats on the run...


Jocelyn said...

6 miles?!
you're so impressive.

Anonymous said...

Oooh...lovin' the list!! Makeup for a dollar?? Heck, yes!! Funny....I had a dream about the Scrap Etc event the other night. I am SUCH a dork, haha. And a six mile run?? Impressive, girl!! I just finished a five mile run, and am pretty proud of that, lol!!

Greta Adams said...

i so wish i could go but i think the hubby would cuss me out if i left again for a scrapping journey....in july i went to chicago for cha...although i know this would be different....i better stay my butt in MS