
We're putting new flooring in our bedroom this weekend. This project is long LONG overdue. Banjo thinks she's a big help:) She's in the picture you just can't see her because she's in that nasty old roll of carpet. BTW, the carpet up under where our bed usually is (which is the roll on the floor) was really more disgusting than I imagined. Yikes! There was an especially large volume of orange and blue streamers from the shakers we got at Auburn games last fall. Apparently they got up under the bed somehow and became the cats playthings.
More pictures to follow when everything in complete.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the project! Can't wait to see the end results!

Scott said...

Good luck with the flooring. I am so unhandy it is a little on the sad side.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...sounds like a lot of work!! Let us know how it goes, and post some pics when you get it all finished!!