

I saw a commercial for this the other day and had totally forgotten that they had filmed for it. This is set at one of the local high schools here. It will definitely be interesting. Jonathan hates MTV but I'm sure he'll be watching this show to see if any of our church youth are on:) Yikes!
The quality of this clip isn't so great but it's the only one I could find online. More here: http://www.mtv.com/ontv/all_shows.jhtml#/ontv/dyn/2_a_days/series.jhtml

Off to the Destin, Florida first thing in the morning:)


Scott said...

Interesting stuff... have a great trip to Florida.


Ashley Turnbull said...

Ok, Jessica, it's me, Ashley Owens, and well, I have found you. This comment has NOTHING to do with this blog entry, but I had to email you. Oh, my goodness--I have just spent a whole hour of my crazy billable-obsessed day reading your blog, which I found thru Meg's blog, well, her myspace account, too. I am so amazed...I cannot believe all of this (overload). I loved catching up on your life! I was so entertained! I mean, we go way back, too, huh? Anyway, I just added you on myspace, too, so you can catch that. My crazy husband also has a blog, which you can find at www.aturnbull.blogspot.com
Another outlet for HIS creatism that I post to only RANDOMLY. Wow. Again, I loved seeing what all was going on--sometime I'll have to tell you about Adam and his quest for seminary as well. See ya--Ashley
And PS...I LOVE your scrapbooking. I need to know more. Yes, I am one, too, but yours are incredible. What's the deal?