
A little music help please.
I recently agreed to signing up for a half marathon (taking place in January) thinking the training would force me to get into running again.
So far, not so good.
So I bribed myself with an iRiver. A little internal dialog convincing myself that I would use it while running.
It's really getting down to the nitty-gritty though. Training officially starts next month and I've got a long way to go before I am able to run 6 miles much less 13.2. So here goes....the tunes really help. But I just need like 50 of the "just right" songs to push me along while I'm sweating in the Alabama heat. These are some examples of the good right now:
Another One Bights the Dust-Queen
I Want to Break Free-Queen
Anything by Outkast
Eye of the Tiger (It's more of an Auburn thing than it is Rocky:)
You Can't Touch This (so what...it works and I can't help but want to yell 'STOP! HAMMER TIME' when it gets to that part but I don't ever do it)

I know there are a million songs out there that are classic and maybe almost forgotten. The kind that make you want to move around. I NEED MORE OF THOSE SONGS. So help me out. If you lurk here this is your time to post. Seriously, no one leaves without telling me two or three...or ten songs if you can think of that many.


Scott said...

I Get Knocked Down - Chumbabawamba

Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand

Are you Gonna Go My Way - Lenny Kravitz

Bring the Funk - Ben Harper

Where the Streets Have No Names - U2 (good for your warm up)

Good luck to you,


Greta Adams said...

hmmm.....i have to think , write them down and get back with ya

Jocelyn said...

LOL hammer time!

have you ever heard songs by pitbull? dirty lyrics, but wicked beat. that's probably what i'd run to.

elizabeth said...

oh how i would love to be able to run a marathon but if you think you aren't ready for it...HA!

hmmm....here's some song ideas and when i go to lunch, i'll check my ipod in the car for my workout playlist..

anything by panic at the disco
black eyed peas
hips don't lie by shakira (i think thats the name of it)
hella good-no doubt

thats all i got for now.

good luck :)