

I distinctly remember reading the Glass Menagerie and studying stream-of-consciousness writing in Mrs. Moore's 10th grade English class. For some reason it has always stuck out. I don't know if there is a single thing I studied in high school that I remember as vividly. How odd. So here's an effort at stream-of-conscious blogging in honor of Mrs. Moore:

I'm supposed to watch the season finale of Grey's Anatomy with the girls tonight and I want to go. Really I do. It's just that 9 o'clock seems so late right now and down town feels so far. What to do. What to do.
Dr. McDreamy. Who knew he would ever turn out so cute?

These cards should have been in West Virginia yesterday yet they are sitting on the table. I am a horrible daughter/sister/granddaughter-in-law.

Jonathan got mad at me and hole-punched Jennifer McGuire's face on the cover of my new CK magazine.

When I planted the mums (I think they are mums) I sprinkled in some wild flower seeds. Now I can't tell if they are wild flowers coming up or weeds. To pull or not to pull. That is the question.

I have performance anxiety. BIG time. So doing a swap with Alison was really kind of a big deal for me. Challenging. I needed the challenge.

I'm going to admit that this is not so much a stream-of-consciousness as it is just random facts. Sorry Mrs. Moore.
Happy Mother's Day!


Scott said...

Nice random post. I think that learned about Stream of Consciousness from Hemingway in "A Farewall to Arms"



Greta Adams said...

oh man Grey's rocked last night...i can't wait until tonight

Kat said...

steve says they look like weeds.......
love the string of conciousness post. fun fun

Jocelyn said...

hilarious that your magazine got hole-punched, especially because the article was about using hole punches. ironic, no?

jill said...

i love the hole punched magazine, totally made me laugh. That layout is fab and so is your blog. I am so happy i found it!

Raina* said...

Those weeds don't look like anything we have growing up in Canadian soil. Leave em...