
spin, spin, spin

Life in chaos. Ours (mine and JD's) seems to be in order but the world around us....jeez louis. JD is on the phone with Matt (a friend) about some men's league basketball thing gone all wrong. JD invited some folks to play who apparantly got in some fight in our church parking lot. SERIOUSLY?! And he feels to blame. And Jeff, my uncle, finds it necessary to call me four times tonight to talk about my cousin (his daughter) who is in rehab....and I love her...but Jeff says this and my dad says that and so on and so forth and it really puts me over the edge.
Banjo, the smallest kitty, has a halo...which I would demonstrate with a photo but blogger is not cooperating...big suprise. Anyway, she is none so happy with that but has some nasty wound that has to heal so the doctor says we must use this torture device.

Today is good. Really. It marked the end of this semester as far as tests go. The last few weeks have been cram time and, seriously, I'm breathing a sigh of relief that it's all over. I have finals but I'm in the clear. Still though, all this drama.
I'm ready to watch Crash or CSI...I'm not particular. Just wanting to ignore it all. Tomorrow I'm going to this huge event put on by the lss. I saw Elsie Flannigan today. THAT is very exciting. What a cool girl, huh.
Anyway, just rambling. Just letting you all know that I haven't been around but I've wanted to be. I've needed to be. I've needed to let all of this chaos get out there into the void of blogosphere but haven't had the opportunity. I've been hitting up everyone's blogs today and feel so out of the loop.
So if I've seemed to be distant...say if your name is Alison and I haven't sent you a much overdue photo...it is coming...and I expect one from you too!
Hope everyone is well. AND hope I haven't been Debbie Downer (whamp, whamp, whamp) just needed to vent:)

itsgooditsgooditsgood. Don't we all live in chaos?!


Scott said...

Great post. loved the randomness of it. I understand the need to vent from time to time.


Greta Adams said...

chaos is the story of my freaking life

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having a yucky time! I hope things clear up so soon!