
Breathe In, Breathe Out

I just came back from this event a new woman. Seriously. I am so inspired and refreshed. I would have never expected this weekend to have such a huge impact on me. First of all, every one of these ladies are amazingly talented. We all know that. But who knew they could be so INSPIRING. It wasn't just the art either. I mean it was that, (I have ideas galore swimming in my head) but it was inspiration for everyday as well. It's made me feel so loving toward my husband...and pumped up to get my house back in order after these past few (chaotic) weeks. It made me want to go see Carson and go camping with JD and read and a trillion other things that I love to do but have neglected lately.
Of the four women there, I was most excited to see Elsie and Carrie. I just didn't know that much about Cathy Z. or Heidi. It's it awesome when you are completely blind-sided. Yep, that was me with these ladies. Elsie and Carrie were good...but it was just what you would expect. Cut here. Paste there. But Heide and Cathy Z. were freaking awesome. It was like motivational speakers for scrapbookers. And while I write that incredibly sarcastically, it is the truth. The sarcasm comes only from the embarrassment that I am so into this whole thing. Cathy Z. talked about that. It was hilarious to hear someone whose job it is to do design for scrapbook magazines to say that she has (in the past, of course:) been totally embarrassed to say she was a scrapbooker. It just sounds so dorky, doesn't it?
And Heidi Swapp. Yowza! This woman stood on stage and was so poignant....and just got so emotional about life and finding yourself and how we preserve it.
Anyway, I could go on and on and really I have already but I'm just so pumped up from it all. Pictures to come.
Breathe in inspiration. Breathe out life.

p.s. I ran into Meg the other day. Meg and I go way back. To preschool way back. Meg says she comes here (who knew?) and that I should write something new (we all know that:). So just wanted to say hello to Meg.
Meg should be a scrapbooker, speaking of. She would be wonderful and I've told her as much. Something else about Meg. She probably thinks I'm the weirdest person ever that my posts consist of....well you know.
Love you, Meg. Good seeing you the other day. You looked so incredibly happy and that looks good on you. Are you sure you aren't dating that guy?


Raina* said...

oh wow, I've been checking in forever, waiting for a new post from you and voila.....you just cranked out 2 of them in the last few days.

p.s. Totally didn't do my research before writing my question to Scott. Does the U.S. only have milk in bottles??? Or cartons? Cause we buy milk in pouches/bags or whatever you want to call them.

Greta Adams said...

i am so jealous you got to meet heidi...i love her and her stuff