
You never know when you will be inspired...

I'll take it...no matter how random the source.

I flew to West Virginia for Thanksgiving to spend the holiday with JD's family. The person who had my seat on the previous flight left their People magazine behind with hottie Matthew McConaughey on the cover. Nice.
American Express had an ad many pages long featuring several celebrities. It gave a full size picture of each person and opposite (page)were random interview questions. This was Tiger's:

So what's the inspiration? The alarm clock part. He answered: 5am sharp!!!
And why is this inspiring? I crave discipline. Webster has this to say about it: training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character; control gained by enforcing obedience or order; orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior;SELF-CONTROL.
I would like to type Jessica into webster and have it spit that definition back out at me. At this point I would be defined more as...scattered, unorganized, disconcerted.
So back to Tiger. Look at him...you see an unlikely hero. Someone who has accomplished goals and dreams beyond expectation; and at such a young age! No doubt he has God-given talent but that would only go so far without dedication, determination, and most of all (you guessed it) discipline. The three d's, baby.
The 5am thing: He doesn't just say 5am. And he doesn't say ugh...5am. He says 5am sharp and then all those explanations points behind it. He's a man on fire.
THAT inspires me. How much could I accomplish if I woke up at 5am every morning? I'm not talking about winning the Master's or anything else of that height...but rather, whatever it is that will make me the best 'me'. I have a hand in so many things. Hobbies I want to perfect. People that I love but do not spend enough time with/talking to/emailing/etc. So much to learn. How much fuller would life be with those few extra hours in the morning. Not just weekdays...but 5am 7 days a week. I hate rising before the sun as much as the next person but there is a sense of satisfaction that comes with it...like you know you've been productive...or if nothing else you know you didn't sleep a moment of life away.
So I'm working on it. I didn't wake up at 5 this morning but I did wake up at 6 thanks to Felix who was kneading dough on my head...claws in scalp people. He's holding me accountable:)


Scott said...

I hear you about the discipline in life. I find it way too easy to hit the snooze button. I wonder how many other things we hit the "snooze" button on in our lives.

Great post.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Even 6 am is plenty early! You're a trooper! But there is something to be said for someone who is highly disciplined!

Unknown said...

I love the snooze button analagy Scott. 5am, I could never do it .. no way. I do not have discipline in that sense.