
Not that I was tagged or anything...

But Alison's 20 random facts inspired me to make my own so here they are in stream-of-consciousness order:

1. I am taking my first trip to Memphis tomorrow and couldn't be more excited about going here.

2. One of the top three things I want to do before I leave this world is to see the Northern Lights.

3. I also want to hike the Appalachian Trail.

4. My great-grandmothers on both sides of the family (both mom and dad) had the middle name Alabama. That is so bizarre to me. BTW, yes I am from the deep south but my family tree does branch (i.e. they were in fact two different women).

5. My middle name is Rae.

6. I take alot of photos. Just in case you didn't know how old that can get, my husband will remind you (he wasn't quite quick enough):

7. I have been listening to Ray Lamontagne nonstop for over a month now and if I had any clue how to put music on my blog anyone reading would be forced to listen along with me.

8. I can't touch my feet (mentally, not physically). Weird I know. I'm not sure why I'm so fixated on it. Logically I know that my hands are way dirtier that my feet ever could be but nonetheless I feel the same way. In the shower I just have to kinda rub my feet together with some soap in between them.

9. Thoreau moves me. He just had the right idea about life. I wish I could have experienced Walden with him.

10. Speaking of books...Read A Child Called It if you never have. I will break your heart and horrify you and I know that doesn't sound appealing but it will also open your mind and set your soul on fire to make change within the child welfare system.

11. It takes me an eternity to scrap a page. Forever I tell ya. I'm so hesitant to start (to commit to an idea), but once I get rolling I'm in the zone.

12. My sister and I have the same birthday (July 26th). We are exactly four years apart. Don't you know that I was the best birthday gift she was ever given? The gift that keeps giving.

13. She (my sister) closed and locked my finger in her bedroom door when we were younger. We were fighting b/c she didn't want me in her room but she says "she didn't mean to". Sure. I cried myself to sleep that night and a couple of days later my fingernail fell off. It grew back.

14. I cured myself of my once beloved Guinness on some random April evening last year at around 8pm. Sad but true. Can't even look at the stuff anymore.

15. Finals are over!

16. I never liked cartoons. Never. Not even as a kid. My favorite childhood movies where Annie, The Sound of Music, Willy Wonka, and The Never Ending Story.

17. I have never left the U.S.

18. Purses and shoes. I'm not the average woman in this arena. Sometimes I wish I were more so but the truth is...give me a pair of New Balances and a back pocket for a card and I'll be good. Again, I truly wish I could get behind the hype but no.

19. I am very sleepy.

20. *edited*b/c i couldn't think of a 20th before------Random fact #20. My husband and I are not side specific as it relates to the bed. Usually whoever has to wake up first will sleep on the side with the alarm clock but that depends on the day...or the week.


Raina* said...

OMG. Graceland!! COOL!

Alright in a race to make a layout, would you feel better if I told you there is no way you are slower than I am. I've been working on the same layout for 2 days.

Scott said...

The Northern Lights are one of the most amazing things ever! Come north and see them, then you can say that you have left the U.S as well.

I am impressed that you want to hike the Appalachian Trail. That is on my list as well.


Jocelyn said...

This list is awesome! I read A Child Called It and it made me cry like no other. Finals are over for you? I'm jealous... xoxo

Jill said...

Ok, I am LAUGHING! I definitely learned more about you, but now I have this mental picture of you (legs down only) in the shower, rubbing your feet around a bar of soap! LOL I had no idea that you were also married. You're just a babe like me :P