
Introducing Banjo

We were never cat people and I would venture to say that though we own a cat, we still are not cat lovers. We are "Felix" lovers. We treat Felix like a person...it is comic really.
We have not wanted nor needed another cat but how (HOW) can you resist a little two pound fur ball crawling up your window screen, desparately trying to get inside b/c she is hungry and cold? You can't. This, my friends, is how we acquired Banjo. The plan was to find a home for this cute kitten but the plan has faltered b/c I have been too selective/snobbish in potential adoptive parents.
So a month or so later and all settled in, this is Banjo in all of her lazy glory:

P.S. Alison, you know that middle aged woman with four cats that you were referring to? I'm half way there...both in age and cats.
SCARY! Posted by Picasa


Jocelyn said...

BEAUTIFUL cat! WOW. Halfway there is also halfway away, so I don't think you have anything to worry about yet. And I still don't think there's anything wrong with being a cat lady. Or even a crazy cat lady- whatever makes you happy, right?

Raina* said...

Banjo is adorable.

I'm not a cat person, but I would have taken in the little furball crawling up my screen also and kept her safe and warm while I found her a new home. Oh yeah, she would definitely be found a new home. Because our place is only big enough for Banner.

Unknown said...

What a cutie pie!!! :)