
does this ever happen to you?

I guess for everyone this is a very busy time of year. So today I am in a store and this is going on in my head "...test monday and tuesday and paper due and clinicals. am i going to get christmas shopping done in time for thanksgiving-christmas with jd's family? why did i commit to going to athens for the auburn game? the christmas party is on the 4th!..." and so on. I get to the register and this conversation takes place:

Register man: This time of year is so crazy. You look out the window and it looks cold but it's still so hot outside.
Me: Yeah.........
Me again: But it's still warm outside.
Register man (looking confused): Yeah, it is.

And as I turn to walk out I think: Did I really just say that?

Hello my name is self absorbed.

Note to self: Do not get so caught up in your own self pity that you are unable to carry on the simplest of conversations with another person.


Kalie said...

That sums up my day perfectly. In fact, (and this is a little creepy) I had a conversation with the receptionist at my office very similar to yours... Except we were talking about the rain and I mentioned it was raining about three times... Its tough when you are balancing a billion things. Good luck with that!

Unknown said...

I hear you. Hope you start feeling better soon! Feeling down in the dumps is never any fun.

Scott said...

Such a busy time... great blog... like random personal stuff and the Thriller reference was great. I am from Canada but was in Birmingham last year, loved the Souther hospitality.


crallspace said...

Yes, that has happened and I usually will go back to apologize and explain the situation, no matter if I look like a dolt.

I got confused though reading about being hot outside, warm inside... huh.