

Jonathan's territory (for work) is Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Obviously the hurricane has devastated one of his biggest areas...New Orleans. All his customers have been accounted for except two. One of which we went out to dinner with when we were there recently. I can't stop thinking about his family...his son who has a heart condition. Jonathan is in a serious funk. These folks and himself have worked together to build something. So many of these guys are self-employed and Jonathan is seriously enthralled in their growth. He's already been contacted by two businesses saying they just can't climb out of this; they have counted their losses and are closing down. Not that there is anything actually left to close.

This also makes us wonder what to expect for ourselves. For now J's company has said that he should not persue south Louisiana and Mississippi as it may be a year before things are productive there again. He has been given Chattanooga for now with the knowledge that his company may pull him (us) out of this area altogether.

They made an announcement at work today that they were flying in people from New Orleans. Apparently no one on our unit so far (although we are a maternity unit we may possibly get people in anyway...anywhere there is a bed, ya know?).

Again I say this is devastating. Sickening.
I will leave it there. No more sad posts. It's just hard to escape when it seems to be all around me.

1 comment:

Perogyo said...

It is a terrible thing that happened. I hope your husband's clients are all right.
I've been amazed at all the good that has come out of this tragedy, however. People all over the US offering places to stay, or sending care packages, or volunteering in the rescure efforts. I hope that those acts outnumber the horrible shootings and the government incompetence.