
This is How is Goes

Whales scare me in a big way. I know it isn't a very rational fear seeing as odds are slim of having a mishap with a one but, hey, look what happened to Jonah:) Whales, snakes and going blind. Those are the big three for me.

I love the color orange. Pink kind of annoys me.

I hate shopping for clothes. In most instances it feels like a big waste of my time. On the other hand, it is VERY often that I see girls with cute clothes on and I wish that I would take more time to find stuff for myself. The answer: a personal shopper. My mom tried to assume this role when I was in high school and college but for the most part it didn't work out so well. Gotta love her for trying though.

I have a big ole crush on John Cusack.

I am not a fan of animation. I'm aware that this may make me seem like not such a fun person but I will readily admit that it is true. Even as a kid my favorite movies were not animated (Annie, Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, Willy Wonka).

My favorite musicians are called Ben.

I love the smell of Dove Deep Moisture body wash. If you have never smelled it, actively seek it out at your local Wal-Mart. It's good stuff.

I waste too much time on the computer.

Two things I hear ALOT:
(1) You look familiar or you remind me of someone I know or other various forms of "you have a familiar face." Sometimes this sends my wheels spinning. Cue the twilight zone music.
(2) You're how old? You look much younger than that. I know one day I will appreciate this but as for now is makes me feel like people take me less seriously b/c I look 16.

French fries and ketchup (especially ketchup) makes me want to vomit. Fast food in general disgusts me.

I love amber beer.
I hate being cold.

Did I mention that I waste time on the computer?

1 comment:

Raina* said...

No idea why, but I love random facts about anyone.