
Oh Happy Day!

I got in! I am proud to say I have been admitted into the #17 nursing school in the nation:) I know, I know, seventeen may not sound like much right? But considering there are 15 (four-year BSN) nursing programs in Alabama alone, being 17 in the whole U.S. of A isn't too shabby. Getting in was no joke. If you know anyone who is a nurse RESPECT THEM NOW. Until I began pursuing this endeavor I had no idea how rigorous nursing education was.
We started today and had a four hour orientation to the program followed by a four hour orientation to one of the classes (we have three). By the way, the eight hour day plus having the same classes with all the same people...hmm high school anyone? But I digress. So anyway, the NUR 350 orientation: we were told for this class alone we are required to have seven (SEVEN!) books. Seriously, I have only gotten two so far and they are massive (and not cheap). The adventure begins.
In related news, Jonathan told me the other day that he is going to apply to the MDiv program at Harvard and Emory (to start the semester after I graduate). Harvard. Boston. Us. Us not in Alabama. Please, please, please God, please. Even Atlanta (Emory) would be great but to be in the northeast again sounds like home to me. It hurts to say that on so many levels but it's true. For now anyway. I don't think I realized how much I wanted to be back up there until he let me in on this idea. It was like a cloud was lifted and the sun was shining so bright again. Just to know that if only for a couple of years (b/c maybe that's all I really need), we can get out of this bubble.
If it's such a big deal why don't we just move anyway you may ask. As I said in the last post generation after generation of my family was born and raised here. People don't leave and if you do folks tend to not understand. Although I told my family I only moved back from New York so they could get to know the man I was going to marry (see? family first) I think that after the two years we have been here they think I have changed my mind. Actually, I don't think they were too far from the truth but it was more like settling than changing my mind. So maybe you can understand (or maybe not) why in order to leave we have to have an explanation as large as an ivy-league education. Sad but true.
How awesome is my hubby?! I hope we always dream big. We may not always get exactly what we are after but we will certainly live a life extraordinary.

Ecclesiastes 3:11-14


Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! :D

Raina* said...

Oh trust me, nurses I respect. And nursing students alike.

It's the doctors that I have a hard time with sometimes. (Well, maybe just my boss)

Congrats on the news!!