
Oh I wish: Bon Jovi and Breakdancing

On the way home the other night 'Living on a Prayer' came on and I instinctively turned the volume up. A little embarrassing to admit but true, I think old school Bon Jovi rocks the house. As does old school DMB and Weezer and Smashing Pumpkins and Alanis Morissette just to name a few. So wish one: I wish I had the ability to produce an album or heck, just a song that would resonate with the intended audience for a good 10-20 years. Not asking for a classic throughout the ages...just a generation. I want a song that for a selected age group "remembers when".

Speaking of "remembering when" hearing Bon Jovi reminds me of a specific trip to Six Flags when I was 16. I was the proud owner of Crossroads (Bon Jovi greatest hits). Although we had been long since ready to go home from the park, I made all my friends stay until dark because that was when they brought out those cool glowy necklaces (that brought back childhood memories of Halloween). We drove home jamming to Bon Jovi with those necklaces on our head. Fun times. You see this was back in the day when what we know today to be called glow sticks were restricted to Six Flags, the circus, and Halloween aisles during the month of October. Before they were associated with drug induced frenzy, adults with pacifiers in their mouths and really stupid, baggy pants. Wish number two: I wish that a select group of people had not ruined the fun of glow in the dark jewelry for the rest of us; and that folks could still have fun with these items without being immediately stereotyped as one of the afore mentioned morons.

Wish number three: I wish I could dance. Really dance. Not grinding gracefully on a strangers pelvis at a club kind of dance but rather the soulful rhythm that seems to come more naturally the darker your skin is. Like salsa or breakdancing. Do you ever hear a song and really get into it and think: Why must I be so white? In this instance my wish would allow me to rock to the beat in a less spasmatic way.

So the ever popular question of what would you do with three wishes has been answered for me. There are other things I would love to have like a Mazada 3, thick hair, an A on my patho test Friday. When weighing the importance, however, these lost out. Never deny the importance of song, dance, and bringing back the innocence of glow sticks?


1 comment:

jessica said...

I knew you would appreciate that, Jim "honesty" Crall:) I've spent too much time reading your blog...it has inspired me to be an antagonist!